Monthly Archives: June 2015

Spell Rebound

I’m not too sure where to start with this. 

It’s been a month and a half since the last entry in this little blog. It was not an entry I enjoyed writing either. Not to go over old ground, but Spellbound OUYA was no longer a going concern. There were several reasons for this, the majority of which I outlined in the last post, some of which, well, for fair means or foul, did not need airing.

This post serves, in part, to reassert the fact that Spellbound OUYA is no longer an ongoing concern. 

The OUYA, a wonderful idea with huge potential and a (relatively) large catalogue of format specific games, apps and utilities, is still a dead duck. This is a shame, it’s a lovely little bit of kit and, when handled with gentle caresses and soft tickles can be coerced into housing some amazing ideas. We had hoped Spellbound OUYA would be one of these. It turns out that we were late to the party. Actually, I don’t think we really ever made sure we were free for the date of the party. There was no party. 

Spellbound OUYA is an ex-project. 

But isn’t it odd though, one door closes…..

You see, it isn’t impossible that there might actually be a version of Spellbound released for the OUYA. 

Still with the wonderful graphics and audio from Spellbound OUYA, still with the permission and assistance from the Lord of the Polygon Table himself, David Jones and still with me tying it all together with more spaghetti than your local Prezzo. 

Development has restarted. Development has re-begun. 

Spellbound OUYA is dead. Long live Spellbound.